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Stay informed
Stay in faith!!
In response to the Government's latest advice regarding the restriction of public gatherings in the UK, the Bridge Church has taken the decision to suspend all Sunday meetings, small group meetings and other church activities until further notice.
Of course we don't know if this will for be a few weeks or a few months (we certainly hope the former!) but whatever it takes we will co-operate with current guidelines until such time as the we are given the all clear to resume
We want to make it very clear the Bridge Church is NOT closing down or hibernating during this period. In fact we are going to be raising our game to stay even more connected and will try to discover new ways of being church together.
Remember isolation is only physical.
Whilst we would much prefer to be together physically of course, we must learn to adapt, and with modern technology there are many ways in which we can stay in relationship and in community together. We may have to work harder, to do this but the Bible says 'there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God' (Rom 8:28) and there is nothing that can separate us fomr each others love and care either.
Our Sunday messages will be streamed live from 11am and all our small groups and Lifelink networks will continue to connect via online conferencing.
We will be streaming through YOUTUBE LIVE
click here to access live stream
You can keep updated by social media (Facebook and Instagram) by clicking the links below

Being a non anxious presence

Keep your eyes
on the Ark
Advice Links
About Coronavirus - link to World Health Organisation site
UK Govt help - advice from The Payroll Group
Benefits help - article by The Bridge Church
Universal Credit information - link to Citizens Advice Bureau
AoG National Leader Update - dated 18/2/20
Basic advice to stop spread of Coronavirus - link to W.H.O. website
Flattening the curve
This is a really helpful video that explains the scientific rationale behind the extreme measures being taken to limit and control the spread of Coronavirus...well worth a look
Endorsed by the NHS
Need help or prayer?
Please Note
We are in the process of developing and adding to this resource page
Please check back soon for more information regarding
prayer initiatives and kids activities

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