Our biblical concept of partnership comes from Luke chapter 5 where Peter 'called to his partners to come and help with the great catch of fish' (Luke 5:7)
For us as a church its a call to stand together in difficulties, join together in fellowship, and move together in unity and fight together in the battle, as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God. When we all stand together in partnership, our individual anointing, gifts, calling, and mission combine and become one. Partnership is recognition that we are in covenant relationship with God and with each other.
The word of God puts great emphasis on believers meeting together, being one and functioning as a ‘family. The local church is the place where you will be fed spiritually, cared for, nurtured, and equipped for service. The local church also provides a ‘covering’ and a ‘back-up’ for all who venture out into ministry.
We are all collectively responsible for the fulfilment of Gods plan for us as a local church. Church is not about meetings but community. It’s our identity not our name!
Firstly, partners intentionally commit to personal spiritual growth and development. The goal of every partner, in all areas of life, is to ‘become like the Son and glorify the Father’. An ever-deepening love for God is at the heart of our calling in Christ, and the motivation for everything we do.
Secondly, partners are fully connected to church family, gatherings, and activities. Partners understand they are in covenant with each other, and as such, have a responsibility to build deep relational networks within the church, and create a genuine sense of family and community where we care and support each other.
Thirdly, partners are joyful givers into the house! As stakeholders in the vision, they wholeheartedly support the church financially, and with other resources. The biblical principle of tithing is a great starting point, but we do not get legalistic about percentages. A better term is ‘covenant giving’ which actually frees us up to give more. We give out of passion not obligation.
Fourthly, partners get involved in serving the church vision. This is both inward, in serving the church ministries and events, and outward, in active mission and evangelism. Modern life is hectic and very full, but serving was exemplified by Jesus, and is a core value for our partners. The more we pull together the more we can accomplish.
If you are a follower of Jesus, and want to join us in our goal to build an exciting and relevant church that makes a real difference in the world then all you have to do is pray and if you feel God has put you here to be part of that process then USE THE QR CODE below or click the link and you can register to be a Bridge Partner with us.
If you would like to download the Partnership book please click here