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House of Prayer

'Prayer is Gods mechanism for change'


Transform Prayer

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“Transform Prayer', is one of the prayer initiatives of the Bridge Church. We currently meet every Monday on Zoom Conference call and you are all welcome to join us.


We gather between 8.00-9.00pm. You are all welcome to join us. Nigel will be hosting these sessions. The sessions will be run on Zoom video conferencing platform - You will need to sign up for this but it is free! The free version of Zoom gives 40mins of conferencing for up to 100 people.


Once you have done this then all you need to do is click the invitation link below and follow the instruction (please note - you must sign up first see below for instructions).



Once you have done this then all you need to do is join the meeting with the details below.


Zoom Meeting ID: 3215392655        Password: 792711




Zoom sign up

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This is the zoom icon to look for. All you need to do is to go to Apple store (iPhone) or Google store (Android) on your phone or tablet device and download the Zoom App and sign up for free.

Alternatively you can download it on your PC or Mac and then sign in

click here to download Zoom on you laptop

Prayer Nights


We also have other prayer nights throughout the year, where the church gathers to pray for our nation and our communities .

Sunday Morning prayer


Sunday morning prayer starts at 9:45am every Sunday in the Staff room. Praying for the morning meeting and specific needs as required. 

The Bible says that the Church, God’s House, shall be called a, “House of Prayer”.  We are keen not to just have prayer meetings but to get the whole church, young and old in all areas of church life, praying – developing a strong intimate prayer life, individually as well as corporately as a church.


Our House of Prayer includes:

Transform Prayer


Every Mondays at 8.00pm. Prayer times have been inspirational, passionate, encouraging, ground breaking. Greater power is made available in corporate prayer 

Bridge Prayer Response Team


This group pray for any need within and outside of the church at any time of the day. With the use of technology, like SMS, emails, prayer requests are communicated very quickly & effectively.

Bridge House of Prayer

Prayer & Fasting Weeks  


These are exciting weeks in June and January where the church take time out to seek God, worship and experience times of refreshing in His presence.

For other UK prayer initiatives check
out the prayer links below

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These meetings are available for all believers and if you want to know more contact the Bridge office on 020 8505 5001. Every prayer request is dealt with in confidence


Head Office : The Bridge, Latchett Road, South Woodford, London, E18 1DL

Tel 0208 505 5001   email:

©2023 by The Bridge Church  

All rights reserved

Charity No.  Woodford:  1054387     Harlow:  1054354

Affiliated to Assemblies of God GB    Member of Evangelical Alliance

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